The dog, the ball and the bounce
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The dog, the ball and the bounce

Imagine that the Google Search Engine is like a dog. A sleeping dog. I know, it is quite a far-fetched concept but stick with me. 

The dog has its eyes shut and is snoring peacefully not paying attention too much and keeping itself to itself.

Suddenly a ball bounces past its nose. It opens an eye. The ball then continues to bounce across the room. Suddenly more balls bounce past the dog, and it is not just lying down, it is now up on its legs and wagging its tail. This dog is suddenly mighty interested in what is happening.

Google search engine is the dog. Your website content is the ball.

Website content

It is great to have optimised content on your website. It lets people know what your company is about, the products and services that you sell and additional information including who you are and why potential customers should buy from you.

Well written content on a website means that it will begin to climb the rankings, which means it is more likely to be found online.

Keep that ball bouncing!

That is all great…for a while. You then need to post regular content to keep the attention of our ‘Google Dog’. Bounce those ‘content balls’ past its nose - entertain the Google search engine with latest news, blogs, new images, video, new content, links. Do this on a regular basis and make sure that the information is informative, entertaining and enjoyable for the reader to read.

If you can do this, then your website will always be fresh and relevant.

What do I write about?

Tell a story. Human beings love stories. It has to be true and it has to be about your business or you. Put your heart and passion into your blog or news update. Why did you start your business or why do you work for the company? What products or services do you sell and why are you unique from other companies? 

Don’t be fake

Always make sure you are authentic – people can tell fake or insincerity a mile off, but a great article or blog, well that is something else. Something that engages the reader, makes them warm to you and your business and most importantly makes them contact you.

Generate those leads

After all, the purpose of a blog or news article is to generate leads. It may not seem apparent to the reader but that’s what you want – a piece of writing so compelling that they have to pick up the phone for advice or a quote.

How do I start to write a blog?

Pick a product or service that you are proud of. Why are you proud of it? What makes it special? What problem can it solve? Who can it help? Start writing about this and try to think of it from the customer's point of view. What benefit do they get from reading your blog? Make sure you always finish with a call to action. What do you want the reader to do? Call you? Email you?

Is a blog really that important?

Absolutely. It is new, fresh content and that is always important when competing with the millions of online pages that are out in the ether.

I don’t have time to write a blog

That’s ok because help is on hand. Take My Word Copywriting UK can free up your time and write a blog for you, as a one-off or on a regular basis. I will talk to you, find out about your company and what makes it tick and then I can find subjects to write about. Everything will be written in your tone of voice and will be agreed upon by you before it goes live.

Contact me today

Call or email today:

Tel: 07305 265535
